We equip joyful, passionate leaders for the purity of the gospel, for the love of the church, and for the advance of Christ’s mission, all for the glory of God. We combine a rigorous academic experience with rich relationships; a deep exploration of the matchless Word of God with a joyful outpouring of what we’ve received.

lux et calor:

Light and heat. Truth and love.
Head and heart.


Four distinctives of our seminary:

retreat environment

Imagine at the end of a long day of class heading over to the lodge for dinner with your professors and classmates, sitting on the porch discussing further the topic of the day and how it applies to your ministry. Tennent residencies immerse students in a beautiful retreat setting, designed to refresh, encourage rest, and nurture relationships among students from many different ministry locations. No permanent move required to attend. No internet crash to interrupt your lecture.

Cohort community

At Tennent you will study with a cohort of around a dozen other seminary students, following a specific course of study in four concentrated areas. Students begin together, progress together, and finish together, enjoying a carefully planned curriculum that integrates learning from multiple disciplines into a cohesive whole. Professor-student mentorship is made possible by a generous faculty-student ratio. Incarnational discipleship is not merely a byproduct of the cohort model, but intentionally woven into the pedagogy.

family Experience

We believe that theology should overflow in life-giving, corporate doxology, giving your whole family cause for thanksgiving. Families, then, are welcome. Bring your spouse and your kids. Settle in for your studies knowing that they, too, can enjoy the retreat setting, the newly forming friendships, and the rich feast of conversation around the table. We strive to make this affordable and practically possible so that, at the end of the day, your investment enriches (and does not deplete) what is most precious to you.

GLOBAL Mission

The final residency of every cohort is an international trip, in which students distill what they’ve learned in their area of concentration and teach others. Thus, for every student in the United States, another student halfway across the world will receive the same training for free. We seek to cultivate Great Commission leaders, committed to stewarding the resource of seminary education responsibly, compassionately, and selflessly.